Project Description

Kitzbühel | Ausgabe 55 | Sommer 2024

Interior designer and interior furnishing specialist Evelyn Kaspar is permitting a private view into her country house in Switzerland known as “Villa Sonnenberg.”

“The best way to understand my style is to see how I live with my family,” says Evelyn Kaspar, CEO of Kaspar Interior Design. A cobbler who wears bad shoes is definitely not her thing. What she wants, as a designer and as a human being, is for the world she lives in to be as beautiful and liveable as possible. This living, breathing philosophy inspires all her projects of furnishing homes. Because for Evelyn Kaspar a house is not just a house. For her, every house is unique, just like the human beings who occupy it. She uncovers diversity not only in society and in the media, it lies at the core of every single well-styled home.

As might be anticipated, both interior and exterior of “Villa Sonnenberg” have been designed to coexist in absolute harmony. The interior rooms have been extended towards the outside in the form of terraces, balconies and garden so that a balanced overall whole is generated. The selection of materials and decorations is mirrored in the interior architecture, it rounds out and perfects the impression of elegance. Plants play a leading role for Evelyn Kaspar. “Beautiful plants are like friends that encircle the house,” she says. And as far as style is concerned, the only thing which counts in her mind is that which is inimitable and unmistakable. In that respect she is of one mind with Coco Chanel, who memorably said, “Fashion fades, only style remains the same.”


Evelyn Kaspar Interior Design
Isnyer Straße 2
D-88239 Wangen
T +49 (0)7522 2542

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