Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 55 | Summer 2024

We all remember those special moments that we experienced in very special places that possess their very own incomparable scent, we recognise it instantly when we encounter it somewhere again. And we eternalise these special experiences with pictures that hang on our walls. Yet why is it that we leave out the inspiring powers of those scents? It is something that the two nature enthusiasts, Julia Schliefsteiner and Markus Niederfriniger, became intensely conscious of ten years ago in the course of their search for natural candles which are with-out any distracting, often disturbing, artificial notes or scents. Their search was in vain. So, they followed their noses and began to conserve the scents of the natural world of Salzburg and evolve them to completion in hand-crafted candles of plant-based wax and 100% naturally-pure essential oils. It was the dawn of the brand Looops.

Today the two entrepreneurs and their team operate a rather unusual scent manufacture in Salzburg under highly professional conditions and unbounded passion. Online and in more than 300 partner shops in Germany, Austria, South Tyrol and Switzerland, the pleasant and beneficial products by Looops are sold. The overall concept is eminently convincing and has successfully bonded its creators and its customers to nature since the launch. The brand’s noble design corresponds with the high quality of the products: natural scented candles, scented sprays, scented sticks and rods, essential oil mixtures as well as diffusers and accessories suitable to them. There are currently 15 different trends/directions to their scents answering individual needs for relaxation, energy, grounding, balance and cheerfulness.


Staufenstraße 1
A-5161 Elixhausen
T +43 (0)660 4502667

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