Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 55 | Summer 2024

Enjoyment is writ large in Kitzbühel all year round, but particularly in late summertime and autumn. That’s when two culinary festivals take place in Kitzbühel which are carried out utterly in the laid-back style of a relaxing celebration of the pleasures of the palate: KITZ Kulinarik and KITZ Kulinarik x Piemont.

In the interim it now numbers among the highlights on Kitzbühel’s event calendar: the KITZ Kulinarik. For that reason, gourmets and lovers of eating and drinking pleasures will meet again this year on 30th and 31st August 2024. Following the scents and dictates of their own lusts and loves, approximately 20 culinary stands will proffer multi-faceted sweeps of authentic dishes with special bonding to regional and seasonal offerings. Last year, goat cheese with oxalis, venison goulash and classics such as alpine barley soup and alpine blueberry omelette-glee numbered among the favourites for the numerous visitors. Precisely what finesses, what joys, we will be permitted to taste this season is still locked in secret. But what is clear beyond any doubt is that each and every dish will be based on regional products and that the overall event will be organised in accord with the 3 r’s: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Gourmets know it only too well: truly dedicated lovers of fine food and those who produce it extend their invitation on 10th-13th October 2024 to enjoy the premium culinary market in the Kitzbühel Stadtpark. At KITZ Kulinarik x Piemont, the local and regional spectrum of fantastic products is extended a further notch, namely, by the exquisite treasures from Piemont.

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