Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 55 | Summer 2024

Design Network is a holistic agency for designing and consulting, with offices in Innsbruck and Vienna. Through methodical competence and well-founded knowledge of the markets, transformation programmes in the furniture and design branches are accompanied and advised. In the process, the theme of design is seen not only as a creative profession, but also one in which strategic discipline is essential. That is the way highly effective brands are created; strategies which are trendsetting, perhaps epochal; as well as competitive solutions which shift popular perspectives. Design Network supervises clients on three business levels in all-encompassing ways. From general research in trends and market analysis, to development of company signatures and brands, all the way to generating visionary structures which meet future requirements today.

“As a result of our well-founded methods and wideranging knowledge of the markets we are able to accompany and advise creative and strategic transformations with continuity in the furniture and design branches. In this endeavor our focus lies exclusively on positive changes,” explains co-founder Lorenz Kilga. “After all, in times of crisis, change is one of the few constants in everyday life – that is when pressures are heightened and with them, the courage to dare a transformation. Precisely this mentality is what distinguishes pioneers in general. Nearly always it is a matter of assuming the role of trailblazer right at the vanguard of change, to be the first to take a necessary step or the first to ponder deeply a brand new idea. One thing is crystal clear: we need more pioneer spirit, but please, only with clear-cut structures and decision-making criteria.” In principle, it is a question of consequential development leading from the pioneering phase to the organisational phase.


Seilergasse 15
A-6020 Innsbruck
T +43 (0)664 4615418

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