Project Description

BEST OF | Summer 2024

Since 1993 SunSquare has repeatedly set new standards in designing and building sun sails. The motor-driven, wind-guarded and custom-made sun protection systems have broken up and intermingled the borders between indoors and outdoors, offering innovative solutions for highly sophisticated architectural projects.

SunSquare gives rise to entirely new areas of living, drawing together aesthetics, functionality and convenience, making creative and efficient solutions possible in public spaces. SunSquare models are conceived meticulously from start to finish and are continually being further developed. Each component is separate and exchangeable, service is thereby easy and uncomplicated, reduced to a minimum.

„Project X": Das Interior des 88 Meter langen Golden Yachts-Baus (hier der Familiensalon) ist detailverliebt und vereint zahlreiche Materialien.

Retreat to your private sphere in Austria. Protection from sun and rain with rectangular and triangular shade sails.

More than 15,000 already realised projects bear vivid witness to the quality of planning, design and execution of the company whose headquarters are in Lower Austria and which is active through-out the world. Every SunSquare system is custom-made, minutely tailored to the precise needs of each client.

„Project X": Das Interior des 88 Meter langen Golden Yachts-Baus (hier der Familiensalon) ist detailverliebt und vereint zahlreiche Materialien.

SunSquare shade for the 7Pines Resort Ibiza: fully in harmony with the architecture.

Countless possibilities & top technology

The windproof triangular and rectangular sails find ideal utilisation in gardens, all around pools and ponds, in historic protected landmark zones, in places open to the public, in hotels and restaurants as an extension of liveable, enjoyable spaces out onto a terrace, above glass roofs, below indoor glass roofs, etc. Moreover, all SunSquare sun sails are equipped with a wind sensor which emits a signal as soon as windspeeds reach 40 km/hr for the motor to automatically close down the system.

The maximum sail size of a SunSquare system is 76 m². Nevertheless, it is possible to create a line, a sequence of SunSquare systems adjacent to each other if larger areas need to be protected from sun and rain. The mechanism adjusting its height which was specially developed by the company – driven either manually or electrically – has positive effects both on the shade which is cast and on the drainage action of the SunSquare system.

„Project X": Das Interior des 88 Meter langen Golden Yachts-Baus (hier der Familiensalon) ist detailverliebt und vereint zahlreiche Materialien.

The new model FOLD&ROLL AXIS is particularly well suited for use in the catering business and in leisure activity zones.

A brand new product: FOLD&ROLL AXIS

With the FOLD&ROLL AXIS – which is also equipped with a wind sensor – SunSquare designer Gerald Wurz has once again struck a new standard in large-scale textile architecture. Utilising two points of fixation, a sail surface area of 71 m² is achieved. For smaller outdoor areas there is an additional model with 46 m² of sail surface area. The simple handling and the clear design which melds seamlessly into a wide variety of architectural concepts make them suitable in particular for use in the hotel and restaurant branch, in leisure-activity zones and in spaces open to the wide public: shade or rain protection at the push of a button.

The new model FOLD&ROLL AXIS is particularly well suited for use in the catering business and in leisure activity zones.


SunSquare® Kautzky GmbH
Maderspergerstraße 12
A-3430 Tulln
T +43 (0)2272 81817

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