Project Description

BEST OF | Summer 2024

The groundbreaking ceremonies for the Valsant Project in Croatia are scheduled for autumn, 2024. This will mark the start of a new, ambitious construction project for which five exclusively furnished luxury villas comprising as many as 17 residences on the steep coasts of the Adriatic Sea near the town of Opatija will be erected by Rooms Adriatic.

In Kvarner Bay, home of numerous legendary luxury health resorts, Mošćenička Draga is located, draped elegantly over the beautiful Učka mountains. There the Rooms Group will realise through Rooms Adriatic the VALSANT project comprising five breathtaking villas – including all-round services and luxuries in the style of western civilisation.

In the luxurious villas up to 17 residences are planned whose size ranges between 42 m² and 134 m². However, it is also possible to combine individual elements of up to 370 m² per villa. Two terraces and a summer kitchen distinguish these exquisite holiday domiciles. The interplay of interior rooms flooded with natural light plus clear, geometric architectural lines generate a pleasant, luxurious living atmosphere. Added to that are floor heating, air-conditioning throughout, a panorama lift and 22 parking bays in the garage. “Our Rooms concept is perfectly suited and adapted to life on the Mediterranean, combining modern architecture with premium materials such as natural stone and wood,” says Tarik Osmanagic, Managing Director of Rooms. “We provide the unsurpassed second home.”

Architecture as a part of nature

In the immediate vicinity of Opatija, Rooms Adriatic placed high value on exquisite architecture and refined details in the interior. Both interior and exterior architecture connect palpably with the natural surroundings, continuing their seamless flow in the interplay of materials and forms. What is special about this residence: all-round concierge services and apartments which are turned over ready for occupancy, so that for your extraordinary vacation you do not go on a trip… you come home.

The topography and nature of the Učka mountain range deeply inspired the designers at Rooms Adriatic: a potpourri of natural beauties which can be surpassed only by the fabulous views over the Adriatic Sea. “Our architecture reaches deep down into the primordial qualities of the mountain range and makes the villas literally melt into the landscape,” explains Osmanagic. The residential complex is located directly at the sea’s edge with access to the water. The relatively short distance from Austria, and also from Munich, makes it attractive for clients from the German-speaking area.

At home on the Adriatic Sea

VALSANT has created a brand new travel trend: those who go on vacation don’t want to leave home to travel, rather, they want to come home – to a second home at the seaside, but with all the comforts and amenities of a hotel. And, of course, the luxurious atmosphere of a modern five-star domicile. Timeless contemporary concrete generates clear-cut geometric lines. Elements of wood supply a warm, pleasant flair when utilised as separating walls and sun protection. Huge window fronts and open spaces present the spectacular nature of Croatia in a luscious understatement with unhindered sea views. Those things result in a profound, uninterrupted connection with the glistening surfaces of the sea.

Rooms Adriatic does not just touch a nerve with this project, rather, it touches the human heart. Up close with the authentic beauties of nature and culture on the coast of Croatia, and yet serene, stylish and simply beautiful.

Rooms Adriatic …

… is a subsidiary of Rooms GmbH Group, with its headquarters in Vienna and Klagenfurt, which develops real estate projects with the focal point on top-class planning and executing performance including all-encompassing areas of interior and exterior architecture.

Rooms Adriatic intends to realize luxury real estate properties throughout the entire Adriatic region which in terms of concept, style and interior furnishings are oriented to the high standards in quality and design which are intrinsic to Rooms. After all, “People don’t just want to travel. They long for sustainable experiences, impressions and adventures. They want to enter a relationship with their environment, they want to be emotionally moved by it. But they also seek balance and want to slow down the pace of modern life.”


Rooms Adriatic
Tarik Osmanagic / CEO Rooms Group
M +43 (0)664 4512031

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