Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 55 | Summer 2024

The brasserie-concept of “Les Deux” was a grand success in Munich. For the gourmet restaurant under its aegis it was awarded one star by Guide Michelin and 17 points by Gault Millau. In 2024, the Alsatian patron Fabrice Kieffer and his wife Katrin opened an affiliated restaurant of their successful brasserie group in Kitzbühel. Alexander Bachl, accomplished Falstaff gourmet critic, shows himself to be extremely impressed by the quality of modern French cuisine celebrated there. He has currently awarded three forks and 92 points. Whoever loves the “Les Deux” concept can now also feel right at home in Kitzbühel.


Les Deux Kitzbühel
Franz-Reisch-Straße 7
A-6370 Kitzbühel
T +43 (0)5356 72887

Mo, Di, Do, Fr: 16.00 Uhr bis 01.00 Uhr (Mittwoch Ruhetag)
Sa + So: 13.00 Uhr bis 01.00 Uhr

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