Project Description

BEST OF | Sommer 2024

And once again, STEININGER demonstrates its outstanding feel for design and architecture. In this unusual project the objective was to plan, design and furnish an exclusive beach-side villa in Croatia. The result speaks for itself: in premium quality and noblesse it is simply unbeatable.

On the Croatian seacoast STEININGER realised a private leisure time domicile to completion. What was particularly special about it: each and every detail is perfectly coordinated and harmonised with the rest. It bears the signature of chief designer Martin Steininger and his team. His company was in charge of exterior architecture, interior architecture, garden landscaping, as well as interior furnishings down to the most minute details. An outstanding highlight is the kitchen. For the beachside villa a kitchen was designed and executed in customised detail which wins accolades especially for the nanotech material “Fenix” which was utilised.

Views over the sea – from every corner

Located directly on the beach, one gazes out over the Adriatic Sea. The building opens its arms wide to the water and transports the far-reaching expanses and freedom of the sea straight into the interior. On the outside a wall jutty encircling the terrace provides a desirable screen from unwanted views so that from inside the seaward vistas are utterly unhindered by the immediate surroundings. The famous natural stone from Brac is what made this possible, it has provided this protection for monuments all over the world for centuries. A perfect ensemble – residing in fullest harmony.

A glimpse behind the curtain

The STEININGER brand stands for puristic and exquisite architecture, interiors and designer kitchens. Mastermind Martin Steininger runs the manufacture and several showrooms. STEININGERS BESPOKE designs and architectural settings are in demand in many countries: they awaken enthusiasm and win praise through their distinctive clear lines, timelessness and refined details. Martin Steininger is an aesthete and minimalist. What counts most for him is prominent design, that in his mind is what enhances value. And it goes without saying that everything functions flawlessly. All designs are subordinated to this credo.


Weinleiten 1
A-4113 St. Martin
T +43 (0)7232 2229-0

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