Project Description

BEST OF | Summer 2024

A home designed by Aufschnaiter is one thing above all else when the work is completed: it’s you. The Tirolean head-to-toe furnishers create utterly individual rooms with a personality.

If your home faithfully reflects all the facets of your own personality, a perfect atmosphere for feeling good round-the-clock is generated. From natural sources of light to subtly accentuated lighting, from carefully conceived room planning to individually designed furnishings utilising premium materials and with meticulously dosed decoration – countless factors provide the basis and the final, ultimate touch. They all add up to the indescribable feeling you seek: I am at home here.

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Aufschnaiter sind stimmig 
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Alpine chalet style in all its facets

In this project – the “niksen house” in Kirchberg/Tirol, construction in the hands of builder TH Immobilien – Aufschnaiter was able to put into play all its strengths and interpret in a brand new way a classic chalet style for the Kitzbühel Alps. Traditional, yes, and progressive, yes, that too. Homey and modern. Well balanced, yet still exciting. The interior harmonises perfectly with the architecture. Exterior and interior meld to form one single unity. Huge panorama windows magically give rise to a penthouse ambience flooded with light which is further enhanced through the clarity of the interior decoration. In rooms with less natural light flooding in, dark woods, deeper hues and shades tend to dominate.

Functionality and aesthetics in perfect balance

The radiant eternal basic material of wood finds expression in a bevy of variations and treatments. As a result of tailor-made production at the company’s own carpentry and joinery workshop, the gems made of wood fit superbly into the overall room concept. Wallpaper, textiles and ornamentation-highlights support the structure, bestow upon the interior that final, ultimate touch. Aufschnaiter masters the art of utilising every last centimetre of space to its zenith, optimally using every iota of space, and bringing functionality and aesthetics into perfect balance through intelligent planning and painstakingly conceived detail solutions. For maximum individuality and the deep feeling of having finally arrived.

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Almdorf 5
A-6380 St. Johann in Tirol
T +43 (0)5352 62409

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