Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 54 | Winter 2023

The individually designed fireplaces by top-class manufacturer Mandl & Bauer radiate warmth, create a certain WOW effect and ratchet up living happiness to a new height. The benefits of your own signature fireplace will be appreciated well beyond this era of swiftly rising energy prices. Apart from its paradigm utility as an efficient source of warmth, it sets extravagant accents in your living room by presenting a gemstone creation in the heart of your household all year long. Mandl & Bauer has a wide variety of high-quality fireplaces on offer which create a flawless symbiosis of functionality, comfort and design, and thereby galvanize stellar enthusiasm. Apart from generating heat and storing warmth, safety is always writ large in all Mandl & Bauer products. Fireplaces by Mandl & Bauer can be designed virtually in accordance with your own individual wishes, preferences, whims and lifestyle, and with authentic materials. A showstopper can be created with models which are glassed in on three – perhaps even four – sides and placed right in the middle of a room.

Apart from fireplaces of handwrought iron or burnished metal, the latest trend material stages a futuristic looking, timeless, elegant design. This robust material possesses a thermal resistance of 1,200 degrees and can be used for the entire fireplace composite from outer wall to inner furnace. For those who love individuality, a corpus of natural stone or ceramic can be chosen. For those who adore highest comfort, gas-powered fireplaces are still a winning choice. They resemble woodburning fireplaces ever more closely, all the way to including “burning embers and flying sparks.”


Mandl & Bauer
Windorf 21
A-4113 St. Martin
T +43 (0)7232 38130

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