Project Description

BEST OF | Summer 2024

Situated at 34 Bree Street in Cape Town, South Africa, The Artists Gallery stands as a beacon for art enthusiasts. This unique space, co-owned and managed by artists, showcases an inspiring collection of South African art. Visitors to The Artists Gallery may even encounter Jaret Loggenberg, the gallery’s Managing Director and a talented artist in her own right.

The Visionary Behind the Art: Jaret Loggenberg

Born in 1994 on a farm near Parys, South Africa, Jaret Loggenberg discovered her passion for art and culture at the tender age of ten. Her early years were marked by a determination to inspire others, a mission she has pursued with unwavering dedication. Even as a primary school student, Jaret exhibited exceptional drive, waking up at 04.00 a.m. to study, always striving for excellence. Jaret’s fascination with different cultures was sparked during her childhood trips to airports, where she marveled at the diversity of people from around the world. This early exposure fueled her dream of making a global impact through her art.

„Nude II“, 120 x 100 cm, Oil on Canvas, one of the artists’ main themes: the human form in its natural state

A Journey of Artistic Mastery

Jaret’s journey in art began with encouragement from her mother, who recognised her talent early on and enrolled her in art lessons. At sixteen, she sold her first painting, funding an art tour in Europe – a transformative experience that later saw her own works displayed in the countries she visited. Though she pursued a degree in Economics and Risk Management for its practicality and her love of business, Jaret’s passion for art never waned. She spent her free time studying anatomy, captivated by the intricacies of female faces and figures. Her corporate career was successful, but books like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “The 5 AM Club” inspired her to live life to the fullest through her art. Primarily self-taught, Jaret honed her skills through various workshops. Her philosophy, “It’s not about being the best – it’s about being better than you were yesterday,” underscores her artistic journey.

Jaret Loggenberg, Managing Director of The Artists Gallery in Cape Town and artist herself says: “There is nothing more rewarding than being part of someone’s success. This gallery brings me incredible joy and working with my fellow artists from around the country is so rewarding.”

The Ideal Space for Artistic Expression

Selecting the perfect venue for her art is crucial to Jaret. In 2019, she connected with Barbara Lenhard, the spokesperson of The Travelling Art Gallery, an initiative for artists from South Africa. This meeting led to exhibitions in Europe, establishing Jaret as a recognised artist with great success. In 2023, she presented her first solo exhibition at Avontuur Wine Estate near Somerset West in the Western Cape, another triumph for this young artist. In July 2023, Jaret, alongside a group of artists and Barbara Lenhard, launched The Artists Gallery on 34 Bree Street in Cape Town. This gallery not only serves as a platform for her art but also supports fellow South African artists. For Jaret, the joy of seeing an artist’s work find a new home and the ability to support their journey is unparalleled.

“Reckless Love“, 100 x 100 cm, Oil on Canvas, bold brush strokes and palette knife techniques give Jaret Loggenberg’s artworks their distinctive look

Looking Ahead: A Future of Artistic Impact

Jaret’s business acumen and passion for art drive her ambition to make a significant impact on artists’ lives. She envisions expanding The Artists Gallery to reach a global audience, fostering more connections and opportunities for artists. As she continues to focus on female figures and portraits, Jaret prioritises quality over quantity, creating fewer but exceptional one-of-a-kind artworks each year. The Artists Gallery on Bree Street is more than a gallery; it’s a testament to Jaret Loggenberg’s vision and dedication to the arts, a space where creativity flourishes and artists find their voices.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Artistic Impact

Jaret’s business acumen and passion for art drive her ambition to make a significant impact on artists’ lives. She envisions expanding The Artists Gallery to reach a global audience, fostering more connections and opportunities for artists. As she continues to focus on female figures and portraits, Jaret prioritizes quality over quantity, creating fewer but exceptional one-of-a-kind artworks each year.

The Artists Gallery on Bree Street is more than a gallery; it’s a testament to Jaret Loggenberg’s vision and dedication to the arts, a space where creativity flourishes and artists find their voices.


The Artists Gallery
34 Bree Street
Cape Town, 8001
South Africa

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