Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 54 | Winter 2023

Authentic. It is a word which grants a certain attentiveness to the building and planning offices of Resch in Going. Towards its clients, towards its surroundings, towards the traditions. With a great deal of fine touch and sensitivity, master builder Sebastian Resch and his team listen to the wishes and the needs of their clients regarding their new home, then develop concepts which not only feel good, but fit into a personal oasis of comfort. The entirety is conceived as an overall vision, a comprehensive work which releases the graphic arts, in the words of the builder: “A piece of music needs notes, a house needs a plan.” In reality, the team goes yet a step further: they devote their highest degree of awareness to the public, to the spot on which it is staged, and unite everything into a harmonious whole, a masterpiece of the five senses.

Smart minds stand behind this composition, belonging to experienced and competent experts and young talents. Through their teamwork, sustained concepts are created which go “a step further.” Innovations and interconnections with modern technology are checked and rechecked for their real and genuine function and optimization.

Since 1995, Building and Planning Office Resch has predominantly created country homes in the region in and around Kitzbühel. In collaboration with regional craftsmanship companies and trusted suppliers, unique properties have been generated. The architectural styles are oriented to the styles known and loved in our region, they unite typical traditional alpine elements with the most modern demands of our time.


Bau- und Planungsbüro Resch GmbH
Kaiserweg 30
A-6353 Going am Wilden Kaiser
T +43 (0)5358 2200

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