Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 54 | Winter 2023

The new Gioia lettura by Occhio – a sculptural work with virtually magical functions for incomparable light orchestration. Thus can a human being take over designing the light in the surrounding space.

Gioia lettura: flexible Stehleuchte von Occhio

This new floor lamp and reading lamp provides never before seen possibilities of orchestrating light design for a room or for reading purposes. The characteristic light head fashioned of refined materials and the typical “cut” are unmistakable parts of the iconic Mito series. In this staging, the ring-formed head virtually “dances” with the lamp’s body. The lamp’s arm can also be moved freely in any direction and thanks to sophisticated invisible mechanics resembles a game to play with. Thus, the light is always precisely where it is needed.

Gioia lettura von Occhio

The powerful light is turned on, dimmed and navi-gated from below to above directly on the light head, quite intuitively. Also with no more than a gesture, the light hue can be adapted, ranging from warm, light-bulb like colour/temperature all the way to stimulating, cool working light or reading lamp. With the function “focus light” the beams can be concentrated on a certain specific zone – ideal for relaxed reading or evening work. Thanks to serial Occhio air bluetooth-navigation, overall control via app for directing the entire light scenery in the room is possible.


Steinstraße 19
D-81667 München
T +49 (0)89 447786180

Occhio store München
Brienner Quartier
Brienner Straße 13
D-80333 München
T +49 (0)89 447786200

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