Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 54 | Winter 2023

Performance, power and innovation

Experience it in person in January 2024: the fascination of driving across icy terrain, combining Audi power and innovative technology. Learn to drive in such conditions. Challenge and fun against the backdrop of gorgeous alpine nature, Kitzbühel in winter.

audi ice experience: Fahrspaß im Schnee

The ultimate winter adventure

Audi ice experience: an unparalleled adventure of power and precision in Audi’s premium models – on ice! Let an instructor show you, in Audi RS and Audi Q8-e-tron, how to manouvre with ease in such conditions, amid pure comfort and performance.

audi ice experience: Fahrkönnen im Schnee testen

The art of driving to perfection

Get ready for pure emotion. Slipping and sliding at the controls of your vehicle, Audi’s Ice Experience is your chance to experience
fascination without end, driving fun plus elegance in an extraordinary mode.

audi ice experience


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