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Sofa Supermoon von Minotti. Design: Giampiero Tagliaferri Foto: © Minotti

Kitzbühel | Issue 55 | Summer 2024

Do all roads lead to Rome? No, rather to Milan. At least in springtime, when not only the trees burst into full bloom but also the whole city. It has become the go-to city of desire for designers, architects, journalists, retailers and people otherwise connected to the sector of design. It is something which the latest creations from the furniture world also do not want to miss.

Sessel Claudine und Sideboard Romeo von Meridiani. Design: Andrea Parisio Foto: © Meridiani

In 2024 there was a particularly sweeping overhaul: the producers were realigned from top to toe and agreed to abandon their comfort zone in order to plot new coordinates and visualise new standards and concepts. The attractive new mixture catapulted kitchens and bathrooms right to the head of the line, while the well-known designer magnets enticed and drew the visitors through the whole panoply of their creations to its coda. Even the red carpet in the corridors was left out, quite intentionally. It was one of several noteworthy contributions to a sustain-able renewal at the fair.

Sessel Continuum D.163.7 von Molteni&C. Design: Gio Ponti Foto: © Molteni&C.

Stuhl Pi Chair und Tisch Hippos von Bonaldo. Design: Alain Gilles, Marconato & Zappa Foto: © Bonaldo

And then, the city itself. It was turned into an international stage for grand entrances. Life itself and a love of design were celebrated in all their multifold facets. After all, this year there were several large-scale anniversaries, at the head of the list Boffi and Molteni&C., who celebrated their ninetieth in suitably opulent ways, including simply everything which could be imagined. While Cassina showed itself to be especially proud of 20 years of the Charlotte Perriand Collection, Zanotta, right across the aisle, reflected and reminisced over a highly dynamic 70 years of history at its sparkling new showroom in the elegant Via Durini.

Sitzbank Ico vis-à-vis von Ceccotti Collezioni. Design: Roberto Lazzeroni Foto: © Ceccotti Collezioni

Apropos seventieth: the 1970s are without any doubt the trend of the year. Their characteristic orange and brown are back, furniture pieces are upholstered in textiles and leather, which also now drape walls and accessories. Something which was signalled by Ligne Rosets Togo already last year, ever so gently, now parades in full splendour: seating close to the floor has become a theme for nearly all cushion manufacturers. And high-gloss brilliant lustre is also back, which could in turn be a signal for the next revival, the 1980s.

Kollektion Bamboo Mood von Roche Bobois. Design: Jiang Qiong Er Foto: © Roche Bobois

Zurück zur Natur

Nach wie vor ein großes Gesprächsthema sind die Materialien, vor allem insofern, wie man sie möglichst lang im Wertstoffkreislauf halten kann. Wenn ein Einrichtungsstück nicht ohnehin bereits aus recycelten Werkstoffen gemacht ist, so ist man grundsätzlich bestrebt, es so zu gestalten, dass möglichst alle Bestandteile gut voneinander separiert und so wiederverwertet werden können. Mit ungebrochener Leidenschaft und Freude – und das auch aus Sicht der vielen Manufakturen, die es erfreulicherweise gibt – wird viel Leder, Holz und Naturstein eingesetzt, stets eine umweltverträgliche Verarbeitung im Auge.

Chaiselongue Balestro 24 von Living Divani. Design: Piero Lissoni Foto: © Living Divani

Luster Bois de Cristal von Lasvit. Design: Maria Culenova Foto: © Lasvit

And as always, an abiding subject of discussion: the materials, in particular, how to go about keeping them in highly-valued-object circulation for as long as possible. If a furnishing object isn’t already made from recycle materials, one is fundamentally desirous of designing it in such a way that the components can be separated from one another to the greatest possible degree and, thereby, used again. With ceaseless, undaunted passion and pleasure, leather, wood and natural stone are being used, always with an environmentally friendly treatment in the back of one’s mind. This, and a host of other initiatives spotlight the enlivening engagement of the entire branch, which seems to have awakened to finally understand sustainability as what it was always meant to be: guaranteeing a beautiful future above all else.

Sessel Vanity Fair XC Imagine Edition von Poltrona Frau. Design: Barnaba Fornasetti Foto: © Poltrona Frau

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